❣ SmartPets Remote Shock Training Collar SP 401 (8 shock levels and 3 audio sound) ❣

Favor SmartPets Remote Shock Training Collar SP 401 (8 shock levels and 3 audio sound)Unbelievable SmartPets Remote Shock Training Collar SP 401 (8 shock levels and 3 audio sound) This day I see absorptive price of the product on amazon. But I'm uncertain This price will alter in the forthcoming or not.

SmartPets Remote Shock Training Collar SP 401 (8 shock levels and 3 audio sound)

Detail image SmartPets Remote Shock Training Collar SP 401 (8 shock levels and 3 audio sound)If you want to know more details and images about this item, please click link in the box below .

  • Integration of static stimulation and tone command.
  • Different levels of static stimulation to teach your pet to behave.
  • Range up to 600 feet.
  • Low battery consumption.
  • Collar lenght adjustable from 12" to 20"

✪ When you try it, you will impress SmartPets Remote Shock Training Collar SP 401 (8 shock levels and 3 audio sound). I think that is good product.

Tag: Cool price SmartPets Remote Shock Training Collar SP 401 (8 shock levels and 3 audio sound)