➷ Advanced Portable Sonic Dog Repeller ➷

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Advanced Portable Sonic Dog Repeller

Image of Advanced Portable Sonic Dog RepellerIf you want to know more details and buying option about this item, you can click link in the box below .

  • This highly effective dog repeller works by emitting a 125db piercing sound that dogs can hear - but humans cannot.
  • Ideal for joggers, cyclists, the elderly, and anyone who comes into contact with dogs or who is nervous of them.
  • We have sold large quantities of ultrasonic dog repellers to Government organisations and companies who use them to provide reassurance to postal workers, meter readers etc.
  • Also use as a training tool to reduce your dogs barking and improve behaviour.
  • As with all products involving animal behaviour, results vary from one dog to another,and should be used in conjunction with spoken commands to reinforce the message.

✪ When you try this product, you will be satisfied Advanced Portable Sonic Dog Repeller. I think it great.

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